
學術發表內容刊載於Asia Pacific Education ReviewBritish Educational Research JournalEducational StudiesJournal of Educational AdministrationKnowledge Management Research & Practice、當代教育研究季刊、教育研究集刊、教育政策論壇、教育研究與發展期刊、管理與系統、教育學刊等SSCITSSCI期刊。

Chen, Ryan Chien-Chih is an associate professor in the Department of Educational Management at the National Taipei University of Education. His research interests include 12-Year Basic Education, experimental education, educational leadership, organisational behaviour, teacher education, and multivariate statistical analysis.
He has been recently published in journals such as Asia Pacific Education Review, British Educational Research JournalEducational Studies, Journal of Educational Administration, Knowledge Management Research & Practice, Contemporary Educational Research Quarterly, Bulletin of Educational Research
, Educational Policy Forum, Journal of Educational Research and Development, Journal of Management and Systems, Educational Review, and other relevant field journals.

In the field of educational services, he has served in various capacities, including as a member of the national examination question-setting committee, a selection committee member for teachers in Taipei, a teaching guidance teacher and research teacher consultation and guidance committee member, an educational policy advisory committee member for the New Taipei City Government, a district committee member for the primary and secondary school education reporting and innovation system, a selection committee member for junior high school principals, and a selection committee member for principals and directors of primary and junior high schools in Chiayi City.

中華民國副教授 副字第151719號
中華民國助理教授證 助字第號149977號
國立政治大學教育學系博士 2007/09-2013/06
國立高雄師範大學人力與知識管理研究所碩士 2004/09-2006/06
國立臺南師範學院初等教育學系學士  2000/09-2004/06


    • 02-27321104 #55635
    • chen2020@mail.ntue.edu.tw
    • ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6930-8319
    • Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.tw/citations?user=6JfOb18AAAAJ&hl=zh-TW&authuser=


Curriculum Vita

Dr. Chien-Chih Chen is interested in conducting research on twelve-year basic education, experimental education, educational leadership, organizational behavior, teacher education, and multivariate statistical analysis. He extends a warm welcome to experts from diverse fields, encouraging them to offer valuable guidance and engage in meaningful exchanges of ideas.